Latest News

January 15, 2014

Correspondence: Shaker Junior High School

act with respect visits shaker high school

This fall Rich Johns spoke to our entire Shaker Junior High School student body over the course of two days. His impact on our students continues today. His approach of being proactive and treating each other kindly compliments our school’s mission of “Standing Up for Others.” After he left our district, several students sought out adults in hopes of continuing his message. This speaks volumes of his ability to connect with kids. As a result of his work with us, our students with the help from some faculty have created the “Make a Difference” club. Their mission is to continue Rich’s words in our everyday interactions with one another. His words will live on in the hallways of Shaker Junior High for years to come. Thank you Rich!!!

Stacey Angell
Guidance Counselor
Shaker Junior High School