Latest News

October 20, 2014

Correspondence: Greenwich Elementary School

greenwich acts with respect always

"Coach Johns, Thank you for sharing your message of kindness, respect, and Paying it Forward with our elementary students.  Your program blended nicely with our existing Character Education program.  As you witnessed, our elementary students were moved by your words and your compassion.  We look forward to having you visit our elementary in the future and gauge our 99%."

Cheryl Record
Assistant Principal
Greenwich Elementary School
Greenwich, NY

greenwhich school acts with respect always

"Coach Rich Johns delivered a powerful message to our students and staff. Acting With Respect Always and focusing on shaping our character will help to foster a community that respects each other for the uniqueness of each individual. In our class we have a “post” board. We asked the students to share what they took away from the assembly. It was great to see how your presentation resonated with all of them.

Thank you so much for sharing your message with our students."

Michelle Kenney and Brooke Harkins
Fifth Grade Teachers
Greenwich Elementary School
Greenwich, NY