Latest News

October 29, 2014

Student Response, Albany Academy for Girls

albany academy for girls acts with respect always

A heartfelt comment sent from a student after a recent visit to Albany Academy for Girls, thanks so much Allie!

“Hi Coach Rich Johns,

Today you came to one of the leadership classes at Albany Academy for Girls. I would just like to thank you for coming to speak to our class. Coming to class and hearing your presentation turned my day around completely. It has inspired me to reach out to my family and friends, and also kamagra teach them about the Act With Respect Always program. It has impacted me in the way I interact with people, and pushes me to become a better person. You have encouraged me to say, “I love you,” more often to the most important people in my life. Thank you for giving a most uplifting presentation to our class. I will take this with me throughout my entire life.”

Allie Bellair
Albany Academy for Girls