Latest News

November 17, 2015

Correspondence: Sarah Ryan, Hartwick College (NY)

act with respect always, heartsick college

Hi Coach Johns!

I just wanted to thank you again for coming to speak at my school, I’m sure it was an eye opening experience to many of the student athletes that attended, as I know it did for myself! I’m so thankful to have had you as a teacher myself and got to grow up with such an inspiring saying that always is in my head and I take with me wherever I go. I’m so happy to have the “Act With Respect Always” with me here at school to remind me to always be kind, caring and compassionate towards others, not only sometimes, but always. Having you speak tonight was truly another eye opening experience. I am so thankful for all you’ve done not only at Hartwick, but in Saratoga as well. I hope to see more of Act with Respect Always wherever I go and will do all I can to spread the word. Thanks so much for my shirt! I hope you hear from some of my Hartwick peers about their stories as well!

Hope to see you soon!

Sarah Ryan
Field Hockey