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June 22, 2020
A Note of Appreciation and Friendship
Good Evening Coach,
“I just wanted to check in and say hello. Cleaned out my office today for the first time since March and sitting on my desk where the Starfish Awards you had sent me earlier in the year. Although I never got to distribute them to my students, I will be doing it soon.
Thank you for all that you have done for Lisbon! You have been a bigger impact than you will ever know. I feel blessed to have been able to make the contacts with you, but there some of our faculty that you reached or touched is amazing.
That helps me feel good knowing I was part of getting you to visit Lisbon.
Just wanted to say thanks and hope you are safe.
Enjoy the summer.
“What’s Your 99?”
Sean Backus
PE Teacher
Lisbon Central School
Lisbon, NY