Latest News

December 23, 2013

AWRA visits Argyle Central School


On Wednesday, December 4th, Coach Rich Johns visited Argyle Central School to present his program, “Act With Respect Always.”

Students and teachers in grades 3-12 attended the program and learned about honestly assessing and scoring their character. Students loved receiving the reminder bracelets printed with the AWRA message.

All students in grades 7-12 had the opportunity to sign a school banner which is hanging in the cafeteria. Although Coach Johns visited us for only one day, his message resonated with faculty and students. His message was simple: treat people kindly. He maintained that if you perform kind acts for others, without expecting anything in return, it makes the world a better place.

Many thanks to Coach Johns for promoting the Act With Respect Always program at ACS! It was engaging and fun, and gave a common message that can be shared throughout the school.