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September 6, 2018

Carli O’Hara Participating in the Visible Project

To connect to a ‘Solid Ten’ is very important to our Visible Project. You must make true connections by writing letters of gratitude and becoming visible to that person. I am one of the ‘solid ten’ for Carli O’Hara. I loved her letter that I received recently. So happy we met. I hope to visit her at Cohoes Middle School sometime. – Rich Johns

Thank you for the shirt and bracelets, I feel so honored! I will represent Act With Respect Always wholeheartedly and will not let you down. - Carli O'Hara

Thank you for the shirt and bracelets, I feel so honored! I will represent Act With Respect Always wholeheartedly and will not let you down. - Carli O'Hara