Latest News

February 29, 2016

Correspondence: Dylan Payne, Duke University

Duke university acts with respect always

“Hey Coach Johns, I’m sitting here grabbing a late dinner because I came straight from practice to your presentation, but as soon as I sat down this email is the first thing I wanted to write. I wish I was able to speak with you more tonight, but I’m so glad all the other student athletes were so eager to meet and talk with you.

First, I wanted to thank you for making my night. You truly are the embodiment of your message. I know how many people you must meet in your travels and for you to greet me like no time had passed between last spring and now was awesome. Also, I’m honored that you included me in your slide show. I am very impressed with the power of your presentation.

The atmosphere in the room and among the athletes leaving was much different than that of our usual meetings. Everyone I talked to left the room with a new optimism and that is so special because even if that optimism only lasts the last few hours before they go to bed, everyone they touch between now and then will feel the effects of your message. You have an amazing talent and have built a special organization.

Thank you for taking your time to come see us!

Dylan Payne

P.S. Thank you for the new shirt! You can be sure I’ll be wearing it tomorrow around campus.

Dylan Payne Is a Member of the Duke University Swim Team and Mentor for Duke’s First Year Action Group