Latest News

November 12, 2018

Correspondence: Janessa Winchell, Granville High School

Janessa Winchell Acts With Respect Always

“Coach, you came to Granville High School today. You signed my phone today and I greatly appreciate it.

It made me cry and soo happy! I have been going through a lot. You were a big inspiration to me! I am highly glad I had the honor to met you.

I was once in a school full of diversity and moved here and now I have very extinct diversity and its hard to cooperate with. I have a hard time fitting in with a lot of things. Your speech has changed my life for the better and made me realize I AM ME AND THAT’S WHO I AM and no one can change that I am perfect inside and out!

Hope to hear back from you!”

Janessa Winchell
Granville High School