Latest News

February 29, 2016

Correspondence: Leah Goldman, Duke University Swim Team

duke university acts with respect always

“Dear Mr. Johns,

My name is Leah Goldman I am a sophomore on the Duke swim team. I introduced myself at the very end of the action meeting tonight.
I want to thank you so much for taking the time to come to Duke and speak to us.

Being a first year mentor I have already gone through the Action meetings once and I have to say your talk was the best Action meeting I have ever attended. Your message and words spoke to me. I am going to beg Leslie and William to bring you back every year because I truly believe in the message you are trying to spread.

I think everyone needs to hear it. I am usually a very strong, stoic person, I rarely show emotion, but your and Leslie’s words really hit home and I just couldn’t help but let my emotions out at the end of the meeting.

I feel so fortunate to not only be at Duke, but be a student athlete at Duke and get to participate in meetings and activities like Action and get the opportunity to listen and meet people like yourself.

I now know that every day I wake up the number 99 will pop in my head and I will try my very best to keep it as close to 99 throughout the day.
I am keeping your Act with Respect Always book next to my bed.

Thank you!”
Leah Goldman

Leah Is a Member of the Duke University Swim Team
And Mentor for Duke’s First Year Action Group