Latest News

June 25, 2018

Correspondence: Marisa Flanery, Morristown (NY) Central School District

Morristown school acts with respect always

Dear Mr. Johns

Hello, my name is Marisa Flanery and I’m 13 years old. You recently came to my school and held an assembly. In this assembly you taught me something very valuable. That sometimes you have to be at your 99 no matter what. Even if it means you are the target of a bully!

I was bullied once and have bullied once. I never realized what I was doing till I thought about it. This was a while ago, but I still feel bad about it so I’m going to send a post card to who I bullied and I’m going to apologize. I want to tell her how amazing she is. I’m going to tell her that everything I’ve ever said to her was because I wanted to make someone feel the same way I had felt once. Thank you for showing me what I had to do.

Again, Thank you!
Please, show this for others to see.

Marisa Flanery
Morristown (NY) Central School District