Latest News

September 29, 2014

Correspondence: Queensbury WHBI


“Our 4th and 5th grade students at the WHBI in Queensbury, NY were able to relate strongly to Rich Johns’ message of 99% Character. So often, students focus on only the 1% but Rich’s pay it forward mission of respect and working to improve the treatment of others, has really taken off since he was here! Each day in the cafeteria and classrooms you can here teachers, administrators, and students asking “What’s your score today?” His message has really given all of us an additional tool to put in our toolbox to help make positive differences in the lives of our students. We truly enjoyed Coach Johns’ visit to our school and will continue to push his mission of 99% Character! Thanks!”


John Luthringer
Asst. Prinicipal
William H. Barton Intermediate School
Queensbury, NY