Latest News

February 1, 2018

Coach Jason Brundage

Thank you for helping these guys turn into outstanding young men Continue

January 20, 2018

Margaret Roohan, Granite and Marble Works

I have to admit I was amazed at the positive response from every single person in the room. You had the group's full attention throughout your presentation. Continue

December 18, 2017

Student’s comments from South Seneca Central School District

Almost everybody just puts labels on people and don't actually get to know them. I think that is a mistake. Continue

October 26, 2017

Correspondence: Sarah Hay, Kindergarten Teacher

I appreciate you helping my daughter, Aubrey, create a special memory Continue

October 26, 2017

Correspondence: Melissa J. Rivers, Oliver Winch Middle School

He's on the Autism spectrum...for him to be okay with just recognizing that something in him changed during your presentation, that was pretty huge. Continue