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Nick Bigot, Duke University
“Dear Coach Johns,
Thank you again for coming to Duke to talk with both Coach Welsh’s Class and the Freshman Action Program. I have now had the pleasure of hearing you speak four times, and each time I have left feeling inspired to be a better person. To me, the key to being the best person possible is to be mindful. I think we all get caught up in what is happening in our own lives, whether big or small, that we walk around on autopilot, unaware of the affect our words or actions may have on others. I have been wearing my Act With Respect Always wristband everyday since you came this year and it has served as a great reminder that how I choose to act doesn’t just affect me. Lastly, I wanted to say that the quote from Chris Rosati about making an impact has really stuck with me. I will be graduating in a few months and what I have come to realize is that there are probably tons of jobs that I would be able to do and enjoy, but what truly excites me is the idea of doing something that is meaningful to a broader community and will leave an impact.Thank you for all you have done for me, and others, over the last three years with your visits to Duke. You have made a greater impact on my life than you will likely know, and I hope to pay it forward as best I can.”
All the Best,
Nick Bigot
Duke University