"I Act With Respect"
A spotlight of inviduals from schools, communities, and from around the world who have taken it upon themselves to "pay it forward" as AWRA Ambassadors. They are vital role models in our society, we humbly thank you, and respect you!
Hailie Casey
"I like knowing that I am a role model to the younger students in my community, it’s a really great feeling"Hi there! My name is Hailie Casey and I am a senior at Hudson Falls High School. I have been a member of the Girls Varsity Tennis and Girls Varsity Basketball teams the past 3 years, and the Girls Varsity Softball team all 4 years of high school. I am actively involved in many clubs at my school including Student Council, Roots and Shoots and Spanish Club, which I have been named President to these past two years. Through my school, I was chosen to attend HOBY, a leadership seminar, in 2018, and the American Legion Auxiliary Empire Girls State program in 2019. Outside of school, I am involved in many church events including serving dinners at our monthly Church Dinners, as well as planning a youth convention for students across New York State.
How did you meet Coach Rich Johns?
I had heard Coach Johns speak at my Intermediate School when I was in 4th grade. At the time I was too shy, but I had wanted to meet him since then. It wasn’t until 2018 that I had the courage to reach out to Coach, telling him I would be attending a boys’ basketball game at my school. We made it work, and we were finally able to meet in person. It was also exciting because he brought me an AWRA shirt, which I had been wanting!
How did you hear about Act With Respect Always?
My school district preaches kindness at the younger levels, and so I first heard about Act With Respect Always in 4th grade. He came to speak at my school about his program. I remember the rest of that day, my friends joked around and continuously asked me “What’s your 99, Hailie?”. I just laughed because I didn’t know how to respond, or what that even meant. Little did I know that that phrase would help change me into the person I am today.
How has the Act With Respect Alway mission affected you personally?
Act with Respect Always has affected me personally because it completely changed how I approached every situation. Coach Johns has taught me a lot about life, and a lot about myself. The most important lesson I’ve learned is accountability. The slogan “What’s your 99?” says it all. The 1 is your appearance, but your 99 is the kindness you bring; how you make others feel. Accountability is so important in this you always have to be honest with yourself. It also makes you realize that not getting a perfect “99” IS ok, and that it will happen. Each day, I strive towards choosing kindness in every situation. This is no easy task, but it’s always possible. Being empathetic helps me stay kind.
Please share with us how you have, or will in the future “Pay it Forward”
Choosing to “Pay it Forward” doesn’t necessarily mean doing extravagant things. It simply means to brighten someone’s day; lessen their burdens. I volunteer a lot throughout my community, but I think my most favorite place I’ve volunteered was during my school’s STEAMWORKS Summer Enrichment classes. I have dedicated time the past 2 summers to volunteer in a classroom teaching Spanish with my Spanish teacher. I wore my AWRA bracelet every day, and I even wore my AWRA shirt sometimes. The students were so excited that I knew about this program, and it made my heart happy seeing their faces light up when I told them I personally knew Mr. Johns. Each summer, I challenged my students to act with kindness, and it was exciting to hear them come back each morning with a new story of how they decided to choose kindness. I like knowing that I am a role model to the younger students in my community, it’s a really great feeling.
How would you describe the Act With Respect Always mission to others?
Act With Respect Always is a challenging, yet rewarding mission, but nonetheless, it’s life-changing. People who know me, know that kindness is the most valued trait that I carry, and that’s because of AWRA. I would describe Act With Respect Always to be a mission in which you learn to respect others, but also yourself. AWRA works to make a community better by starting with YOU. All you need to do is be kind.
Would you recommend Rich to speak about Respect to others?
There would be no doubt in my mind. Coach Johns is the most dedicated, loving, and hardworking person I know. I have listened to him speak with young children, as well as adults, and I can assure you that he has touched the hearts of so, so many people. His mission is incredible and so rewarding. Coach has been an inspiration of mine for most of my life, and I’m very confident when I say I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for Act With Respect Always.
Thank you for your dedication, Mr. Johns.