"I Act With Respect"
A spotlight of inviduals from schools, communities, and from around the world who have taken it upon themselves to "pay it forward" as AWRA Ambassadors. They are vital role models in our society, we humbly thank you, and respect you!
Hanna Pecora
"I find myself paying forward AWRA every day"My name is Hanna Pecora and I’m a senior at Saratoga Springs High School. I play first doubles with my sister Emily on the Varsity Girls’ Tennis team. I am in National Honors Society and Spanish National Honors Society, and I also ski race for the school’s Alpine Ski Team.
How did you meet Coach Rich Johns?
I met Coach Johns years ago through my mom. We were family friends, and as we were looking into getting a piano, so my sisters and I could learn, coach was generous enough to give us his, which we still have 13 years later.
How did you hear about Act With Respect Always?
I first heard of the Act With Respect Always program on my first day of JV tennis, as a 7th grader. I was intimidated being on a team with older girls, so it was nice that we all got to relax and listen to Coach Johns share the AWRA elements that help to improve our lives.
You could tell the team really understood the importance of the message as we all made efforts to incorporate kindness into our lives, and in my experience, the girls that I felt intimidated by, became some of my best friends.
How has the Act With Respect Alway mission affected you personally?
I’ve always been interested in Coach’s message. His passion for being kind has inspired me. Coach always hands out wristbands whenever he speaks to us. This year I haven’t taken the wristband off. The message is so important and wearing my wristband, is a great reminder to strive to be a 99 every day.
Please share with us how you have, or will in the future “Pay it Forward”
I find myself paying forward AWRA every day. In the last year I’ve watched a close friend go through her own personal struggles. By taking some of the AWRA philosophy with me, I feel I have become more aware of others and can help someone else who may need me, to overcome adversity. You never know what the person next to you is going through. Being respectful to others is crucial in creating a much more positive environment.
How would you describe the Act With Respect Always mission to others?
The Act With Respect Always mission is everything. It teaches people to evaluate their own actions. It challenges you to not be judgmental. Hearing the message is a reality check; it makes you think about how you’ve chosen to conduct your life and what you could do to make positive improvement in certain aspects. The mission itself is essential, and the more people Coach can speak to and spread his message to, the quicker we are going to see real change.
Would you recommend Rich to speak about Respect to others?
I would definitely recommend Coach Johns to speak to others. He is so passionate about his movement to spread kindness. His passion makes his presentation all the more inspiring. Anyone that hears Coach will not only support him in his journey to spread the word, but will become examples and advocates of this new and improved lifestyle.