"I Act With Respect"
A spotlight of inviduals from schools, communities, and from around the world who have taken it upon themselves to "pay it forward" as AWRA Ambassadors. They are vital role models in our society, we humbly thank you, and respect you!
Kristen Usher
"Change and global work are rooted in mutual respect for others, and our diverse world. Through learning and teaching respect, we all develop as leaders and people."My name is Kristen Usher and I am a Director at the Capital District YMCA & YMCA Global Change Agent with a passion for international work. I grew up in Saratoga Springs, and am thankful to be part of this community!
How did you meet Coach Rich Johns?
I met Rich (Coach Johns) when he was my middle school teacher- which seems like ages ago! I remember him making class inspiring and interesting; integrating life lessons into our daily learning. He knew my brothers as well, and followed our high school sports careers in soccer and basketball. Coach Johns was always supportive and enthusiastic when it came to teamwork and leadership.
How did you hear about Act With Respect Always?
I heard about Act With Respect Always through social media. My brother shared the information with me when he started teaching and coaching in Saratoga Springs. I followed as it grew and mission spread.
How has the Act With Respect Alway mission effected you personally?
The AWRA mission has affected me personally because I believe in fostering young leaders and inspiring others through mutual respect. Recently, I have had the opportunity to volunteer in Vietnam & become a Global Change Agent- an international leadership program for young YMCA professionals. Change and global work are rooted in mutual respect for others, and our diverse world. Through learning and teaching respect, we all develop as leaders and people.
Please share with us how you have, or will in the future “Pay it Forward”
I would love to “Pay It Forward” by inviting Coach Johns to speak to teens from the CDYMCA Association.
How would you describe the Act With Respect Always mission to others?
The AWRA mission reminds us the importance of caring and compassion in life. By letting respect drive you forward, you lead a more balanced and purposeful life. It starts with leading by example.
Would you recommend Rich to speak about Respect to others?
Yes!!!! It wasn’t an official AWRA presentation yet, but when Rich used to talk to us as a middle school class of teens, we all walked away better people- whether we knew it at the time or not.