"I Act With Respect"
A spotlight of inviduals from schools, communities, and from around the world who have taken it upon themselves to "pay it forward" as AWRA Ambassadors. They are vital role models in our society, we humbly thank you, and respect you!
Kylan Rhude
"It’s a much better environment to live in when everyone can respect and care for others"My name is Kylan Rhude and I’m a senior at Saratoga Springs High School. I am a captain on the varsity lacrosse team. I’m also a member of the National Honors Society and the Saratoga Athlete Leadership Team. I am going to University of Akron in the fall, majoring in marketing and play Division 1 lacrosse as well as joining the Army ROTC program.
How did you meet Coach Rich Johns?
I met Coach Johns through a couple of speeches I have attended at school events. He shared his story about Act With Respect Always program as he was spreading his message. As I got to know Coach Johns, he ended up knowing my family. I have reached out to him a couple times about some advice. He’s always there for me giving positive advice and he is someone I look up to.
How did you hear about Act With Respect Always?
I heard about Act with Respect Always through my grandfather. When I was little there was an Act with Respect Always sign on my grandparent’s yard. I asked what it means and he sat me down, handed me a bracelet and explained Coach Johns mission and what Act With Respect Always does for the community. Ever since then I try to wear the bracelet everyday up until I lost it. Coach Johns came in to speak at a SALT (Saratoga Athlete Leadership Team) meeting this year, where I talked to him afterwards. He gave me a shirt and a bracelet. I haven’t taken the bracelet off since.
How has the Act With Respect Always mission affected you personally?
Act With Respect Always has taught me to become a better leader. I have reached out to Coach Johns asking for advice. He explained to me that being kind and thinking of others first, makes for a great person and leader. He talked about how I’m driving my own “energy bus” through life every day and to have those who I trust and care for me with me on my daily journey.
Please share with us how you have, or will in the future “Pay it Forward”
I try to do the best I can for my community. I have previously volunteered a couple times at the Wreaths Across America organization. I help coach younger girls in lacrosse as well as support them. Every day I try to put a smile on someone’s face and encourage others to spread positivity.
How would you describe the Act With Respect Always mission to others?
The Act With Respect Always mission reminds us how important it is to respect others. When the mission is spread throughout our community, it makes life more connected, valuable and fun. It’s a much better environment to live in when everyone can respect and care for others. I am hopeful that others will join in.
Would you recommend Rich to speak about Respect to others?
I would recommend for everyone to get a chance to hear Coach Johns speak at least once. His speeches are memorable and well worth listening to. He spreads a positive message throughout his talks. The things Coach Johns has said to me have stuck with me and I encourage everyone to hear his message.