"I Act With Respect"
A spotlight of inviduals from schools, communities, and from around the world who have taken it upon themselves to "pay it forward" as AWRA Ambassadors. They are vital role models in our society, we humbly thank you, and respect you!
Matthew Hogan
"I have learned to combat arrogance with kindness"My name is Matthew Hogan and I am currently a senior at Saratoga Springs High School. Since my freshmen year, I have been a member of the Boys’ Varsity Tennis Team. I also played varsity volleyball my sophomore and junior year. During my free time, I enjoy skiing and riding my bicycle around town.
How did you meet Coach Rich Johns?
The first time I met Coach was at one of our annual neighborhood block parties back in the early 2000’s. He watched me grow from the little kid who played tennis at the YMCA to one of the leading players of the varsity team. I appreciate his integrity. Although he is no longer the varsity coach, he still crowds along the fences at every tennis match – giving us advice when we need it the most.
How did you hear about Act With Respect Always?
I first learned about the Act With Respect Always program when I played little league baseball at East Side Rec. I still remember seeing all the banners along the fences. In middle school, I learned about the program more when I did a summer tennis camp with Coach Johns and Coach O’Brien. Under his leadership, I learned to take the message outside of sign – living by the motto every time I step onto the court.
How has the Act With Respect Alway mission affected you personally?
The Act With Respect Always mission has taught me to remain calm and composed even in the most stressful of moments. We all have those games where the opposing player is not behaving in a sportsmanlike manner. It is often tempting to succumb to their level, but that is just fighting fire with fire. I have learned to combat arrogance with kindness. Even if I lose, the reputation of both myself and my team will only strengthen.
Please share with us how you have, or will in the future “Pay it Forward”
I have been fortunate enough to not have to worry about getting new sports equipment and wear. However, I realize that there are a lot of kids in this community who are not able to reach their full potential because they cannot afford sports gear. I have donated my old bats and gloves from baseball so kids in our community can get the chance to enjoy the thrills of being a part of a team.
How would you describe the Act With Respect Always mission to others?
I would not describe Act With Respect Always as a mission, rather a lifestyle. It’s really just trying to be your best self everyday, even if the world is not in your favor.
Would you recommend Rich to speak about Respect to others?
What is so remarkable about Coach is how down-to-earth he is. This program has captivated so many people because of how well he is able to communicate. I would recommend him to speak to others because he has so much wisdom about Respect from coaching for all these years. His unique insight is indispensable.