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Teacher to Principal, Thank You
Hi Lauren,
I have to thank you for bringing Rich Johns to school today. I think I may have gotten more out of it than the students. I was moved beyond tears and words, and was profoundly impacted by his presentation. I’ll never forget it and I’ll never be the same. Actually, I think I’ll be better…more confident in my sensitivity…if that makes sense. You see, I’ve always been very sensitive to everything. A minister once told me that I am sensitive to the world. Funny, Mr. Johns said almost the same thing to me today. Sometimes, I think I’ve gone into the wrong line of work and yet other days I know I’m right where I belong. It’s days like today that I’m sure of that. It’s the Jordan’s, Abbey (s) and Gabby(s) of the world that remind me of this. I know that there will come a day when I’m meant for something else, but until then, I hope I can impact at least one of my students even half as much as Mr. Johns did for me today.
Beth Whyte
5th and 6th Grade Teacher
Lisbon Central School
Lisbon, NY