Latest News

June 4, 2014

Correspondence: Thousand Island Middle School

1000 island middle school acts with respect always

“Dear Rich,
I wanted to write a quick note thanking you for your presentation. It was so positive, and the students clearly loved it. There was a buzz in the building after, and hopefully that will continue through the end of the school year.

Thanks also for providing lacrosse sticks for the students. The program has run its course, and Sue and I identified some students who do not have their own equipment nor the means to get any. We provided a couple of the students with sticks that up until that point had been borrowing them each day. In each case, I told the students that they had come from you, and that you were paying it forward. Each child was very moved.

Thank you again for all you have done for us at Thousand Island Middle School.”

Michael Bashaw, Jr.
Thousand Island Middle School